Deaths Head Hawkmoth and Dali

deaths_head_hawkmothsilenice-of-the-lambs-movie-poster-optical-illusionI’m pretty sure we have all been introduced to the creepy looking Deaths Head Hawkmoth, notoriously featured on the famous ‘ Silence of the Lambs’ film poster. The skull is not what it seems upon closer inspection. Some of you may know this already so forgive me if I’m a little slow.

silence-of-the-lambs-death-head-moth-blownup dali-skullThe Deaths Head Moth on the film poster has a skull but it is based on Dali’s skull image, ‘In Voluptate Mors’. Dali’s creation is is a group of women assembled to resemble a skull.

Read more about this interesting critter on Synapse. Article originally found on Visual Fun House

Another movie to utilize this the style of Dali’s skull is the film The Descent. If you have not watched this film then be sure to add it to your list. Not for those of you who suffer from fear of claustrophobia or blood sucking bastards.
